Friday, June 24, 2005

Yet another reason to keep stupid people away from computers......

Lovely isn't it?????


At 10:09 PM, Blogger Jillian said...

I hope his best friend and siblings get killed in a war, his female relatives ALL get breast cancer and that every child he ever conceives dies before he ever gets to touch them or know them. Except for the one that survives...with autism. What a fucking moron. He is making me have very violent thoughts right now;)

That's kind of mean isn't it? I hope I didn't lower myself quite to his level!

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Oh he makes me think quite a few of the same things, BUT I would never give him the satisfaction of letting him KNOW that. He obviously doesn't have a clue!!!!

At 1:11 AM, Blogger Jillian said...

I was tempted to email him but that WOULD be getting into a shit fight with someone who's braindead - and who's got the energy for that?

At 2:13 PM, Blogger laura said...

i'm not much of a ribbon person myself, but good god - what a fuckwit! i hope my language isn't offensive - i try not to swear, but i do believe in using such words when they're the only the ones that will do, which i feel strongly is the case with king dewey. clearly a very sad and lonely person.

i was looking for where to comment to him and then i realized that giving him any feedback will only encourage him - either to believe that he's right or to believe that he's a worthless shithead, neither of which will help anyone, including him.

we (fringe) quakers are supposed to "see the light" in every person, but i'm quite challenged with king dewey.


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