Seriously, I hate blogger. I just tried to post, and once again, it was lost. Quick quick update. I am still in SC and yes, Jill, my chart is right. I am 17dpo. I am going to test tomorrow when i get home most likely. I don't expect much, but my cycle is NEVER this long, and my boobs are SORE. But my cervix is still open. I don't know much about cervical position etc, but that cant be a good sign. I will be sure to update as soon as I can.
No, I will NEVER be "over" it!
Our first child was stillborn due to a cord accident while I was in the early stages of labor in January of 2003. We went on to have another baby boy in March of 2004, and a baby girl in Febuary of 2007. This is my life raising my children that are here while I am missing the one that should be.
Will be waiting!
Keeping everything crossed for you! Let us know!
*GIRLY SQUEAL*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope this is it for you:)
I got 4 negagtive tests with Audrey before I got a positive. I was like 11 days late and God knows how many DPO. Did you test yet...again?
Hey, I saw your chart. Sorry this wasn't the month:( (((hugs)))
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