Friday, November 04, 2005

I really don't know where to start, and don't even know if I should be telling everyone this, but I think I need to get it out. Dh came to me last night, and told me that back in September, IM kissed him. He immediately started making excuses for her (she was drunk, etc.) but the kiss isn't what pisses me off. I can deal with the kiss. If he had truely wanted to cheat, he could have easily slept with her, so obviously that wasn't his plan. I still trust him with all of my heart, and eventhough he says he would understand if I kicked him out, I don't really see it as that big of an issue. THIS is the problem I have with it, HE LET HER STAY HERE. I asked him last night why the hell didn't he kick her ass out? Why didn't he stick up for me instead of letting someone who had absolutely no respect for me or my marriage continue to walk all over me? I just don't get it. I hate her. If there was any doubt about it in my mind, now I know that I do truely hate the whore. (part of the reason she and her dh split up was because she slept with 17 people during a 6 month deployment, but he wasn't innocent either). Her shit is still all over my house. Her dress blue uniform is hanging in my bathroom. It's all I can do not to throw it away (or worse). She is lucky all of her stuff isn't out in the middle of the parking lot. I just still don't know what to think of it all. It totally took me by surprise. I just can't believe that he let her continue to take advantage of me without sticking up for me. I know that I can let the kiss go. I really can. It really doesn't bother me all that much, I just need to know that he will stand up for ME. I am his WIFE.


At 12:56 PM, Blogger SWH said...

That sucks... Sounds like DH should have stood up to her and told her to leave.

I think i'd pack up all of her stuff in garbage bags and leave them on the porch (or landing) and let her know they are out there. You don't need to deal with her stuff being a constand reminder of her horrible behavior. And at least its not sooo horrible that your DH would think you were going too crazy.

I hope he can understand what actually is upsetting you... not the kiss... the lack of action afterwards on his part.

At 1:15 PM, Blogger MB said...

I'd be packing her shit and putting it on the freaking curb. You took care of her child, you took them in and this is what she does? Men are weak. i expect them to do lame thing and then not know what to do about it, but SHAME on her.

Done. Get her out of your life for good.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger lorem ipsum said...

Yeah, pack it all up in garbage bags and call her. And tape to it a note for all who drive by to see: STAY AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND!!! (And counseling for the two of you is a must - exactly who was he protecting?)

To make an old joke... I wonder if the kid is even hers!

At 5:34 PM, Blogger Jillian said...

Julie, I am so sorry she did this and that he was so bloody weak about it.

And I'm not sure why her stuff is still in your place - like the others it'd be in a garbage bag outside HER new place with a suitably detailed note for the neighbours to read you know, if it were me. And I'm not as patient or nice as you.

But she did disrespect you in the worst way - she threatened your son's family and stability. She intended to take Evan's father away from him. And when you screw with most women's kids, you screw with them. Go get her Girl!!

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Catherine said...

You're handling this way better than I would. I'd be screaming and yelling my fool head off...not that it would do any good...but it would make me feel better. Do NOT, under any circumstances, do one more thing for this woman. And don't kick hubby out...but you should definitely have a long heart to heart about how he dealt with things. Good luck.

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Anna said...

I'm so mad for you...I can't believe her! I'm with everyone else. Pack her stuff up in a garbage bag and put it on the curb!! Stupid hussy...

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit, Julie. I agree with the others...put her trash out in garbage bags and get her the hell out of your life. (((hugs)))

At 4:52 AM, Blogger laura said...

not to beat a dead horse...but i hope you did put her things out, at the very least. time to wash her out of your hair.

i suppose this is one of the worses we never really imagine when we agree to for better or worse. i hope you two can work it out in whatever way is best for you. you deserve every happiness.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

WHAT???? Oh my goodness...her stuff would be out on the curb! I am so sorry! That just sucks!

Was he just scared to tell you? I hope you guys work this out. :(

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Jillian said...

She gone yet? My mother BURNED the clothes of my dad's girlfriend back when it was all new and could roast some marshmallows over her belongings hehe:)


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