Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I've tried to post at least 4 times in the past week, but Evan's just not letting it happen. The m/s has hit me with full force (ok not quite full force, I don't actually throw up, just feel like I am going to AT ALL TIMES.) and all I really want to do is lay around on the couch or in my bed watching tv. I watch the clock for Evan's naptime, and then again for his bedtime, so I can take a nap. The only time I feel ok is when I am sleeping.

I feel horrible for complaining. Feeling so sick IS reassuring, but let's face it, it's miserable. I wasn't able to cook the past 2 nights for dh, so he had to come home after being at work for 14 hours and make something for himself to eat. I felt so bad about it, but he didn't complain at all.

This is actually the first time he has actually been around me in the first parts of a pregnancy. Except for the m/c I had in 2000, and that was so long ago. When I was pg with Caleb and with Evan, I was still living in SC and dh was up here in VA. He was on a ship at the time, and there were times he would be gone for weeks, even months at a time. I hadn't really thought about that until now.

10 more days until my u/s. Please God, let there be a heartbeat.


At 10:54 PM, Blogger delphi said...

Wow. That is exactly my lifestyle, minus the waiting for naptime. I am on holidays, so anytime can be naptime. And it is also the only time I feel human. Unfortunately, too much napping means no nightime sleeping, then feeling sick at night. Not complaining - just complaining ("normal" people complain about their morning sickness...).

I can't promise this, but dammit, I promise there will be a heartbeat.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

I know those 10 days will pass slowly. I am hoping hard that you hear a heartbeat.

At 5:24 PM, Blogger sillyhummingbird said...

I haven't had a chance yet to say congratulations!

The ultrasound will be wonderful.

And go ahead and complain--feeling sick sucks regardless of how happy you are to be pregnant.

Thinking of you.


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